Easter Memories in Tourlestrane by Tom Walsh

Easter Time Memories.   From Once Upon a Time in Tourlestrane…. By Tom Walsh.

Easter time was holidays from school, holy week ceremonies and depending on whether it was early or late, gardening, dibbling the potatoes and sowing the oats. We usually got the Easter holidays on “Spy Wednesday”, there would be confession in the church that evening then after confessions the altar servers would be required to have a practice for the Holy Thursday and Good Friday ceremonies. Fr Christy McLoughlin who was the curate in Kilmactigue at the time would take charge of the practice. Fr Christy didn’t suffer fools and could be a tough task masker. I remember on one occasion I was wearing a big pair of boots which was causing my movements to be rather awkward and he told me that I would need “to go out to turn”. In those times pre-Vatican 11 the ceremonies were in Latin and there was a solemnity about them, unlike nowadays.

There were a lot of tasks to be performed and required at least five or six servers, two holding candles, one cross bearer, one thurable operator, one holding the incense and others. The team or squad (to use a football analogy) could be five or six servers, consisting of Arthur O’Hara, Pat Durkin, Andy McKeon, Joe and Noel Seery and myself.

Then on Saturday after mid-day confessions the team would assemble again to have the practice for the Easter vigil on Holy Saturday night which was quiet a lengthy production. The celebrant in those years Fr Joe Higgins who was the administrator in Tourlestrane. Other ceremonies were celebrated by Fr Liam Cawley in Banada Convent Chapel at earlier times. During Lent we would be required to server Stations of the Cross two evenings a week. Wednesday and Friday and the Rosary and Benediction on Sunday evenings.

This article is from History & Memories Volume 2 to read this article in full click here


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